Level 64
MP Cost: 55 MP
Ecosystem: Birds
Type: Magical: Light
Target: AOE Fan centered on caster
Spell Modifiers INT
Set Point Cost: 3 Set Points
Casting Time: 3 Seconds
Recast Time: 60 Seconds
Stat Bonus: CHR+1, HP+5


Obtained from Monster Family: Apkallu
TP Moves Effect
Beak Lunge Single Target Physical Knockback
Frigid Shuffle AOE Paralysis
Wing Slap Single Target Damage attack + Stun
Yawn AoE gaze-based Sleep
Special Notes on Monster and it's TP Moves

Apkallu have a communal hate based on how many you have killed, much like Tonberries and Fomors. As your Apkallu hate goes up, they start using more and different TP attacks, initially they only use Yawn. They start to react strongly to White Magic, and become very difficult to kill as physical attack damage drops to nothing. So killing a lot of them will make life much more difficult.

Odds are you will only encounter Yawn as a TP move. So the TP moves are not a worry.


Obtaining the Spell
Minimum Blue Mage Level Needed To Acquire Spell: Level 58.
Yawn is best hunted on the Ferry from Nashmau to Al Zahbi

This spell can be soloed starting in your upper 50's. No Party is needed.

No special items are needed for hunting the spell. A low damage weapon for feeding TP helps.

Apkallu Hunting Grounds Camp #1
Name Level Location
Apkallu 54-55 Ferry - Nashmau/Al Zahbi

A single Apkallu can pop on the Ferry as you go from Nashmau to Al Zahbi or back. ItÕs easily soloed. Be aware that elementals and a high level NM can also spawn on the ferry. Take precautions.


Apkallu Hunting Grounds Camp #2
Name Level Location
Zhayolm Apkallu 70-74 Mount Zhayolm
King Apkallu 78-80 Mount Zhayolm

There are high level Apkallu on Mount Zhayolm. The lower ones can be soloed by a Blue Mage at 75, duoed with a Tank, or in a normal right-level exp party. There is sight, sound, and magic aggro on the way to camp, take precautions.


Apkallu Hunting Grounds Camp #3
Name Level Location
Arrapago Apkallu 70-72 Arrapago Reef
Emperor Apkallu 81-83 Arrapago Reef

There are high level Apkallu on Arrapago Reef. The lower ones can be soloed by a Blue Mage at 75, duoed with a Tank, or in a normal right-level exp party. There is sight, sound, and magic aggro on the way to camp take precautions.


Special notes about the spell a Blue Mage may like to know
Can I solo it? Yes. With proper care you should have no problems by your upper 50's in camp #1.
Do I need any special items? Unless you have high Apkallu hate, no you do not. You just need to pay for the ferry ride! A low damage weapon to feed TP helps.
Do Apkallu like to use the move? If you have no Apkallu hate its the only TP move you will see.
The Spell is a gaze, or line of sight attack, targets must be facing in your general direction for the sleep to take effect
Yawn can be paired with any of the following spells to create the Resist Sleep Trait: Pollen, Magic Fruit, or Wild Carrot

Do you have more information on this spell, or a better/new way to hunt it? Send an e-mail here, with the words: Blue Mage Spells in the subject line. WeÕll consider your information in the next page update.

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