Thrashing Assault
Level 99
MP Cost: 119 MP
Ecosystem: Beastmen
Type: Physical
Target: Single Target
Spell Modifiers None
Set Point Cost: 7 Set Points
Casting Time: ? Seconds
Recast Time: ? Seconds
Stat Bonus: HP+20, DEX+8


Obtained from Monster Family: Meeble
TP Moves Effect
Drill Claw Single-target damage, Max HP Down, and Knockback
Meeble Warble AoE Damage and Silence
Puncturing Frenzy (NM's Only) AoE damage.
Thrashing Assault Delivers a fourfold attack and Defense Down.
Special Notes on Monster and it's TP Moves

Meebles aggro via True Hearing. They Link also.


Obtaining the Spell
Minimum Blue Mage Level Needed To Acquire Spell: Level 89 with Magus Jubbah equipped,92 without.
Thrashing Assult is best hunted in Adjunct Expedition 3 (Sauromugue) in Ghoyu's Reverie.

This spell can be soloed by a well geared Blue Mage who has at least level 109 gear.

Be sure that you bring some Echo Drops to deal with Meeble Warble, as the silence can be an issue.

Meeble Hunting Grounds Camp #1
Name Level Location
Rambunctious Meeble 105 Ghoyu's Reverie.

There several Meeble Burrow missions that have multiple Meebles to fight. Any of them will work, though some have more targets to fight.

Enter the Burrow via the regular proceedure to do so. Given you have chosen a mission that has Meebles in it, you'll find your targets easily. They are often close together, and will link, so be prepaired to deal with adds. Setting a sleep spell can be very helpful. A well geared BLU will have no issues in surviving the fights to see the spell..

The fights are not hard, pound on the Meeble to give it TP and hope for the move. Watch your HP, as you will take some damage. Be sure to have Echo Drops to get rid of the silence. After that it's a matter of waiting for the move.

As there is a time limit to Meeble Burrow runs, it is useful to being some help, just to speed the process of kills. Timing out is always a bummer before you can learn.


Special notes about the spell a Blue Mage may like to know
Can I solo it? Yes. If you have level 109+ gear, you can.
Do I need any special items? Echo Drops are needful.
Do Meebles like to use the move? They use it often.
The spell does significan damage.
Thrashing Assault is 8 points toward the Double Attack trait.

Do you have more information on this spell, or a better/new way to hunt it? Send an e-mail here, with the words: Blue Mage Spells in the subject line. We'll consider your information in the next page update.

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