Sweeping Gouge
Level 99
MP Cost: 26 MP
Ecosystem: Bird
Type: Physical
Target: Single Target, Self
Spell Modifiers ~
Set Point Cost: ? Set Points
Casting Time: ? Seconds
Recast Time: 120 Seconds
Stat Bonus: ~


Obtained from Monster Family: Raaz
TP Moves Effect
Barreling Smash Reduces target to critical HP and resets enmity
Sweeping Gouge Deals AOE fan-physical Damage + Def Down.
Zealous Snort Haste + Magical Def up + Counter Up + Guard up
Special Notes on Monster and it's TP Moves

Barreling Smash is a very dangerous move, Raaz are MNK's and can Counter for high damage.


Obtaining the Spell
Minimum Blue Mage Level Needed To Acquire Spell: Level 89 with +BLU equip. Level 92 Without it.
Sweeping Gouge is best hunted in Kamihr Drifts

Lots of targets around the Zone.

Raaz Hunting Grounds Camp #1
Name Level Location
Cicatricose Raaz 99+ ? Kamihr Drifts

Use a Waypoint to teleport to the Zone. There are Raaz all over the zone. They aggro to sight so take care in approaching them.

With good gear they can be soloed. But their ability to reset your HP to critical levels is very dangerous. Having Shadows up to block the move is a must if soling. Note that you may take signficant damge when the Raaz guards and Counters, so watch your HP. Otherwise it's a matter of waitign for the spell.

If the Mob does not use the spell, feel free to kill it off, and move on to the next one. They repop fast enough that you'll have a endless supply.

Special notes about the spell a Blue Mage may like to know
Can I solo it? Yes with great care. A small party is much better for everyones safety.
Do I need any special items? Being able to Blink away the Crit TP move is super useful.
Do Raaz like to use the move? With only Three they use it often.
Sweeping Gouge Produces the ? Trait on it's own.

Do you have more information on this spell, or a better/new way to hunt it? Send an e-mail here, with the words: Blue Mage Spells in the subject line. We'll consider your information in the next page update.

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