Pyric Bulwark
Level 98 ~
MP Cost: 50 MP
Ecosystem: Dragon
Type: ???: 
Target: Self
Spell Modifiers ???
Set Point Cost: Unbridled Knowledge
Casting Time: 1.5 Seconds
Recast Time: 30 Seconds
Stat Bonus: ???


Obtained from Monster Family: Hydra
~ TP Moves Effect
Barofield Cone Wind attack + Gravity 
Nerve Gas AOE Curse + Poison
Polar Blast Ice Breath attack + Paralyze
Polar Bulwark Magic Shield to Caster
Pyric Blast Fire Breath attack + Plague
Pyric Bulwark Physical Shield to Caster
Serpentine Tail Rear Hate Damage attack
Trembling AoE Damage + Dispel
Special Notes on Monster and it's TP Moves

Hydra moves can be quite damaging. 


Obtaining the Spell
Minimum Blue Mage Level Needed To Acquire Spell: Level 88 with Magus Jubbah equipped, 91 without.
Pyric Bulwark is best hunted in Abyssea - Grauberg

This spell can not be soloed at 95 in camp #1, you'll need a party that can deal with a mid level Abyssea NM. 

Are special items are needed? Yes the three pop items for the NM, (High-Quality Wivre Hide, Jaculus Wing, Minaruja Skull.)

Hydra Hunting Grounds Camp #1
Name Level Location
Ningishzida ? Abyssea - Grauberg


Once you obtain the three pop items which can be farmed, bought on the AH or from Gold chests, you can pop Ningishzida at I-7 in Abyssea - Grauberg. Use porter #8 to get to camp. 

The fight is nothing special for a party that can handle the average Abyssea NM. A solid blink tank, and some DD and haling support and one is good to go. Treat the fight as if you were going for the kill, you will have more then enough time to see the move. With some luck you will learn it. 

Hydra Hunting Grounds Camp #2
Name Level Location
Hydra ? Nyzul Isle Investigation Floor 60, 80, or 100

One has a one in three chance of fighting a Hydra on floors 60, 80, or 100 of a Nyzul Isle Investigation mission. This makes this a bad camp, but it works. 

You'll need a team that is able to climb the 5 floors of a tower mission to the boss floor and some luck to see the mob you want. On the bright side you might find a Cerebus or Khimaira, which you'll need spells from also perhaps. 

At level 95 you will have no issues with the mob. It will be harder to work the lamp floors :)

Hydra Hunting Grounds Camp #3
Name Level Location
Various Hydra NM's Varies Varies

There are many other Hydra NM's all about the world. A party will be needful for most. Many of them have long pop times, or are much harder to get to. 


Special notes about the spell a Blue Mage may like to know
Can I solo it? No you'll need a party for this one.
Do I need any special items? Yes the pop items for the NM.
Do Hydra like to use the move? Yes for the ones that have it, they use it often.
The spell is rather long lasting.

Do you have more information on this spell, or a better/new way to hunt it? Send an e-mail here, with the words: Blue Mage Spells in the subject line. We'll consider your information in the next page update.

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