Erratic Flutter
Level 99
MP Cost: 92 MP
Ecosystem: Vermin
Type: Magical: Wind
Target: Self
Spell Modifiers None
Set Point Cost: 6 Set Points
Casting Time: 3 Seconds
Recast Time: 60 Seconds
Stat Bonus: HP+15, MP+15, AGI+5, CHR+5


Obtained from Monster Family: Wamoura
TP Moves Effect
Erosion Dust AoE Dia
Erratic Flutter AoE Fire Damage + Large Self Haste
Exuviation Full Erase + Restores HP based on number of debuffs Erased
Magma Fan Cone AoE Fire Damage attack
Proboscis Cone attack MP Drain + Damage equal to drained MP
Special Notes on Monster and it's TP Moves

Wamoura spawn when certain larval wamouracampa in Mount Zhayolm remain alive for an extended period of time. It's not clear which wamouracampa will hatch, so you basically have to wait. They can take a good bit to spawn. Wamoura left alone for a while, also seem to despawn, becoming wamouracampa again.

Exuviation will recover HP for the Wamoura based on the number of debuffs that your party has placed upon it. You can see multi thousand point recoveries if you have many debuffs on them.

The haste from Erratic Flutter makes the Wamoura seem to have hundred-fists. It can be dispelled.

The MP drain from Proboscis can totally drain the MP of the target. Do not stand in front of the Wamoura's head if you can avoid it.

Wamoura have true hearing and aggro to sound and magic.


Obtaining the Spell
Minimum Blue Mage Level Needed To Acquire Spell: Level 89 with Magus Jubbah equipped,92 without.
Erratic Flutter is best hunted in Mount Zhayolm.

This spell is easily soloed.

One person in your party must have the key item from the cast metal plates to open the Gates of Halvung to reach camp. Sneak and invisibility are needed to reach all camps.


Wamoura Hunting Grounds Camp #1
Name Level Location
Wamoura 80-82 Mount Zhayolm

Once you zone into Mount Zhayolm , head to the first camp just past the Gates of Halvung at J-7. If you used the staging point, you'll need invisible to get past the clusters, and if it's night, sneak to pass the Ghosts. To open the gate you need to have the key item one gets from checking the Metal Plate ??? spawns. To get the quest, click the gates then find the active ??? that will give you the key item.

Up to two Wamoura spawn at camp A. If you fight here, be sure to kill off the Wamouracampa in the area first, as they will link with the Wamoura when you pull them. You can find a safe camp right by the Gates.

There is usually one, and sometimes two Wamoura in Camp B. To reach them you need to pass sight aggro Trolls, and sight and Job Ability aggro Flans. There is also one sound aggro Clot in the tunnel before the Camp B zone. Take care. There is a safe camp at the tunnel to Halvung at G-7 marked with an 8 on the map above.

Once again, make sure to clear any Wamouracampa before you pull. Wamoura will aggro sound.


To get to Camp C enter Halvung at the entrance marked 8 on the first map, and exit at the one marked 5 on the map above. There are some bombs along the way, so use invisible to get past them. Once back on Mount Zhayolm (top map above) you can proceed to camp at D-6. There are several Wamoura here. There are also sight aggro Dragons, and at night undead. Take care!

At any of the camps the fights will be the same. Pull the Wamoura to your safe camp, and proceed to kill it as fast as you can. These moths hit hard enough, that one does not have the luxury to keep them alive, and feed them TP, to see Exuviation if it's not been used. On the bright side, they seem to like the move, and use it often. It's believed, but not proven, that Wamoura will be more apt to use Exuviation if they have been Debuffed, so place one, and only one debuff on them at the fights start.

Your tank must hold hate. The Wamoura can hit very hard, and if it gets loose on the party, deaths will happen. Your White mage should be on the spot keeping the Tank's HP full, and removing any status effects like the AoE Dia if possible. Dispell from the WHM, or Blank Gaze/Geist Wall from the Blue Mage is manditory if the Erratic Flutter move is used. The haste is serious and the Wamoura will seem to have One Hundred fists. Remove it as fast as possible.

Since Exuviation will heal the Wamoura based on the number of Debuffs that have been cast upon it, make sure that none are used. When they have have several, the HP recovered can reach into the multi thousands. This can extend a fight well past the safe point. This move is what has given the Wamoura such a tough reputation. But if they are not heavily Debuffed, a standard exp party can handle them.


The Spell can be soloed at any of the camp 1's A, B, or C.

Once you choose a camp spot where you can pull the Wamoura without problems from the linking Wamouracampa, the fights are not overly difficult. Mostly you'll need to take care to not kill the Wamoura too fast. Make sure you have a low damage weapon with you.


Wamoura Hunting Grounds Camp #2
Name Level Location
War Wamoura ??? Troll Mercenaries Besieged

Erratic Flutter can be learned in a Troll Mercenaries Besieged. You, a party, or alliance member must get the killing blow on the War Wamoura for a chance to learn the spell. You do not need to have had engaged the monster yourself to learn the spell.


Wamoura Hunting Grounds Camp #3
Name Level Location
Ranch Wamoura ??? Lebros Cavern Assault Mission - Wamoura Farm Raid

Erratic Flutter can be learned in the Lebros Cavern Assault Mission - Wamoura Farm Raid. You need the regular assault tags, and proper rank to enter the fight.


Wamoura Hunting Grounds Camp #4
Name Level Location
Wandering Wamoura ??? Salvage - Bhaflau Remnants

Erratic Flutter can be learned in Salvage. You need the 1500 Assault points to enter, and to be in the right section. Your party should be able to handle them. They seem much weaker here then in Camp #1.


Special notes about the spell a Blue Mage may like to know
Can I solo it? Yes, easily.
Do I need any special items? A party member must have the key item Metal Hatch Plate to open the Gates of Halvung to reach camp.
Do Wamoura like to use the move? They seem to use it often.
When used by a player, the spell Provides a strong Haste
Erratic Flutter is 8 points toward the fast cast trait.

Do you have more information on this spell, or a better/new way to hunt it? Send an e-mail here, with the words: Blue Mage Spells in the subject line. We'll consider your information in the next page update.

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